Sungrow FPV participates in the formulation of new standards for the global floating PV industry



DNV introduces two joint industry projects (JIP) aiming to create an Anchoring and Mooring Design Standard, and a Floats Design, Testing, and Qualification Standard. As the only Chinese company with a team of technical experts, Sungrow FPV deeply participated in the meeting.

The project aims to establish anchoring design standards and floating body design, testing and identification standards in the global floating PV industry, promote the development of the global floating PV industry in the direction of standardization, standardization, and health, and improve the safety and reliability of floating PV power plants.

At the meeting, Sungrow FPV technical experts and many floating PV industry professionals focused on the evaluation of the installation site of floating PV power plants, anchoring design specifications, installation and commissioning specifications, acceptance specifications, operation and maintenance specifications, and floating body design, testing and identification standards. Lively discussions, in-depth discussions on the scope of application, coordination between standard contents and some key technical requirements, etc., and putting forward relevant suggestions.

Accelerating the establishment of global w floating PV anchoring system and floating body design industry standards will help provide direction for the development of industry norms. As the technical strength of the global floating PV industry, Sungrow FPV has rich project experience in floating PV system solutions and anchoring system solutions in various scenarios such as typhoon areas, extreme cold areas, and offshore waters. After that, Sungrow FPV will also participate in the follow-up of this industrial joint project throughout the process, and set up a special team and industry experts to jointly coordinate efforts to promote the implementation of the new standard as soon as possible.



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